windindustry's website uses cookies. The following cookie policy describes how Wind Power Information uses cookies and similar technologies to provide, adapt, evaluate, improve, market and protect our services.


A cookie is a small text file that the website you visit requests to save on your computer. According to the Electronic Communications Act, everyone who visits a website with cookies must have access to information about the website containing cookies and the purpose of the use of cookies. The visitor must also give his consent to the use of cookies and information on how to opt out.

Common cookies can be divided into two main types. One type has an expiration date and saves a file for a longer period of time. It is used, for example, for features that tell you what's new on the current website since you last visited it. Once the expiration date has passed, the cookie is deleted from your computer. It is then re-created the next time you visit the website.

The second type of cookie is called a session cookie, it has no expiration date. When you are inside and browsing a page, this cookie is temporarily stored on your computer to, for example, keep track of which language you have chosen. Session cookies are not stored for a long time, but disappear when you close the browser.

Cookies typically do not contain information that personally identifies a user, but personal information we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

Cookies can be used by web servers to identify and track users as they navigate different pages on a website and to identify users who return to a website.


Wind power information uses both session and persistent cookies on our website. The cookies we use on our website, and the purposes for which they are used, are set out below:

  • windindustry'scookies for core services: These cookies are important for the overall experience and performance of windindustry's platform. They are only allowed into your browser when you register for our services. We do not recommend disabling it as it may cause the services to fail.
  • Wind power information analytics cookies: These are cookies to track the performance and analysis of the Wind power information website. They are enabled by default and you can stop them by clicking here ››


Wind power information uses Google Analytics and Google Search Console to analyze the use of this website. Our analytics service provider generates statistics and other information about website usage using cookies. The information generated about our website is used to create reports about the use of our website.

  • You can read more about the Google Analytics privacy policy here ››
  • Do you want to opt out of Google Analytics? You can reject or delete Google Analytics cookies by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. You can find out more about what it is, how to download it, and how it works here ››



If there are any questions regarding this Cookies policy, please feel free to contact us:

Organization number: 302452-6496

Registered in Sweden

Last updated 2024-02-08

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